


■開催場所:東京大学 薬学部 本館 西講義室 & Zoom同時配信

■講演者: Prof. Nico Tjandra, Ph.D.

(Biochemistry and Biophysics Center, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, U.S.A.)


Some methods are developed specifically to take advantage of non-isotropic nuclear interaction in solution NMR. Rotational diffusion of macromolecules in solution is rarely isotropic. This anisotropic diffusion allows the differentiation of nuclear interaction along the different axis of diffusions, which in turns provides structural information. Similarly, some molecules can act like very small magnets, which in the high magnetic field can result in a preferred orientation. This effect will manifest itself in measurable nuclear interactions, such as dipolar and chemical shift anisotropy. The magnitude of these interactions depend on how the directions of these interactions are with respect to the preferred orientation of the molecule in the high magnetic field, thus providing structural information. These small effects are now measurable due to the high sensitivity of the modern high field NMR instruments. The development of these two NMR methods and some background theory will be discussed in the lectures.


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RDC法など、生体高分子の磁場配向を利用した構造解析の先駆者であるNico Tjandra 先生の貴重な講義になります。先生の開発された技術は動的なタンパク質の機能を構造的に明らかにするためのキーテクノロジーのひとつです。当日はEMBOレクチャーのように、技術の詳細に立ち入った1.5時間の講義を2コマ行っていただく予定です。出入り自由としますので、お気軽にご参加ください。

共催:NMR PLATFORM – 文部科学省「先端研究基盤共用促進事業」(東京大学・広島大学)


