

■開催日時 : 6月12日(水) 10:00~18:00(受付:9:30~、懇親会:18:00~)

6月13日 9:30~12:45(受付:9:00~)

■開催場所 : 理化学研究所・横浜キャンパス交流棟ホール1階

■参加費 : 無料(懇親会費は別途)

■言語  : 英語

■ホームページ : https://www.ynmr.riken.jp/nmrsymposium2019_0612.html







10:00-10:15 Welcome & Introduction to RIKEN NMR Division




10:15-10:55  1D acquisition with UDEFT of nuclei with very long T1, and 2D indirect detection with selective pulses of very broad spectra

Jean-Paul Amoureux (リール大学)

10:55-11:35 Molecular Characterization of Pharmaceutical Products by Ultrafast Magic-Angle Spinning NMR

Xingyu Lu (西湖大学)

11:35-12:05 Accurate determination of 1H/X(14N, 35Cl, 63Cu) distances at fast MAS

Nghia Tuan Duong (理化学研究所)


12:10-13:30  ——————昼食(Lunch:80分)——————


Methods II

13:30-14:00 460 GHz-700 MHz DNP-NMR using Closed-Cycle Helium MAS and Dual Gyrotron Setup

松木 陽 (大阪大学蛋白質研究所)

14:00-14:40 Path-sum, a new mathematical approach for solid state NMR: applications to materials.

Christian Bonhomme (パリ第6大学)

14:40-15:10 Room temperature hyperpolarization using pentacene

根来 誠 (大阪大学先導的学際研究機構)


15:10-15:40  ——————休憩(Coffee Break:30分)——————


Materials & Quadrupolar/Inorganic NMR

15:40-16:10 Control of the Al Distribution in the Framework of Zeolite and Its Evaluation by Solid-State NMR Technique and Catalytic Properties

横井 俊之 (東京工業大学)

16:10-16:40 Speeding up the DNP acquisition of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei

永島 裕樹 (産業技術総合研究所)

16:40-17:20 Toward faster multidimentional NMR and MRI experiments in the solid-state

Franck Fayon (CNRSオルレアン)

17:20-17:50 Structure of Cysteine Ligated to CdSe Magic-Sized Clusters

野田 泰斗 (京都大学)


18:00-20:00 懇親会 (理研・交流棟2F食堂奥)




Biological & Materials Applications:

9:30-10:10 Solid-State NMR and Catalysis : a Tool Box to Probe the Surfaces

Laurent Delevoye  (リール大学)

10:10-10:40 Speeding up experiments in Solid State NMR

  堤 遊(ブルカージャパン株式会社)


10:40-10:50  ——————休憩(Coffee Break:10分)——————


10:50-11:30 Metal Active Sites in Zeolites: Insights from Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

Qiang Wang   (WIPM)

11:30-12:10   Solid state NMR, EPR and the batteries

Bingwen Hu (ECNU)

12:10-12:40 Solid-state MAS NMR study of seven-transmembrane rhodopsin

Izuru Kawamura (YNU)


12:40-12:45 closing address

  斎藤 尚樹(理化学研究所横浜事業所 所長)


Lab Tour (Optional)




